Embrace the Courage to Heal &
the Power to Change!
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Welcome to a place where practical insights and actionable steps guide you on a transformative journey. Discover the depths of your past, the possibilities of your present, and the limitless potential of your future, emerging with newfound clarity, confidence, and purpose.

          If you're looking for purpose, joy, and fulfillment               you're in the right place. 

It's time for you to step into YOUR JOY and SHINE! 

elaine Lombardi - after
GIFTS book

Through heartfelt storytelling, practical insights, and actionable steps, this book guides you on a transformative journey. Explore the depths of your past, the possibilities of your present, and the limitless potential of your future so you can emerge with newfound clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Discover the G.I.F.T.S. Method
• Gratitude: Appreciate life's blessings.
• Intuitive Intention: Align actions with inner wisdom.
• Family and Friends: Foster growth and support through connection.
• Treasured Wisdom: Seek knowledge that nourishes the soul.
• Self-Love & Care: Prioritize self-care and compassion

Featured in:

for you magazine
Riverside Business Journal
wellness in the woods
International association of health coaches

Elaine's mantra, 'If not now, when?' got me out of my recliner and into my SUV camper traveling around this great country of ours. She's not just a coach; she's a motivator that fuels lasting change. Thank you, Elaine, for believing in me."


Sarah Lynn

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

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Laguna Woods, CA

Elaine Lombardi, CHHC

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My "10 step road to success" free guide

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