travel grandma

Beyond the Maiden voyage


Insights from My Own Odyssey

My path has been one of transformation and self-discovery. From the realm of social security, I set forth on a maiden voyage towards financial freedom, charting a course that led me from van life to re-igniting my passion for coaching.  As I journeyed, I encountered the power of mindset and the significance of unwavering determination. The phrase "If not now, when?" became more than just words – it became a driving force that pushed me beyond my self-imposed limitations. Along this road, I learned the value of embracing progress over perfection and the magic of persistence over time.

Hi, I'm Elaine Lombardi, a Confidence Coach, Author, and Speaker.

YOUR Personal Adventure

Imagine a life where your dreams are the driving force behind your success - Where you're the architect of your journey, mapping out paths and embracing uncharted territories. 

I've meticulously designed an environment where your individuality is celebrated and your growth is nurtured. If you choose an entrepreneurial path you won't need to be a tech expert – I've curated step-by-step roadmaps that bolster your confidence and equip you to take the keys to your destiny.

coach elaine lombardi
adventure together with empowering programs from coach elaine lombrdi

Navigating Together

Whether you're a seasoned adventurer, seeking new horizons, or someone taking those first, bold steps into starting a business I'm here to serve as your compass, your mentor, and your advocate. I firmly believe that within each of us resides an ocean of untapped potential, waiting to surge forth. Together, let's chart your distinctive narrative of empowerment and weave a legacy that embodies courage, determination, and steadfast growth.

As we embark on this shared escapade, remember that your dreams are not distant horizons, but attainable realities. Are you poised to embrace your unique adventure? The path is luminous, and I'm eagerly poised to guide you through each step of your transformative journey.

Embrace the opportunity to create the life you've always dreamed of
– a life that's empowered, vibrant, and uniquely yours.

I was expecting Elaine to fix me.  She instead helped me discover that the answers are within me. By teaching me simple techniques to quiet the gremlins, sit mindfully still, and listen. During our private coaching sessions together I discovered a lonely, empty space within me starting to invite my heart's desires to step in and fill that empty space with self-love. I learned ways to choose the right paths to walk along by paying attention to signs along the way. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I feel heard. Elaine's intuitive perspective is a blessing. I recommend seeking her guidance to anyone who asks me. 

Suzanne Norton - Alhambra, California

Dreams become reality
About Elaine Lombardi, Coach, Author, Speaker

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Laguna Woods, CA

Elaine Lombardi, CHHC

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If you're an entrepreneur or business owner looking to build your Online Brand contact me for collaboration opportunities. 

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